Tuesday, February 14, 2017

                                    Kevin and the evil Grandpa
Kevin helps his mom out a lot until Jason his brother came and destroyed a vase. Kylie (aka) mom runs and sees Kevin. Kevin is cleaning and Kylie said thank you so much Kevin for helping me take care of the baby. Once you’re done you can play with Vladdy. As for me I’m a “teddy bear” one of the families treasure. Kevin was so excited to play with Vladdy. But one day Kevin and Jason’s mom passed away Kevin was about 12yrs old when his mom passed away. So Kevin and Jason were both sad and they had to live with their father. Their father’s name was Bob, and he was a drug dealer. So Jason a week after my mom’s death Kevin and Jason were celebrating Jason’s birthday.
Jason was turning 4 years old, dad had enough money to get a cake for the family of four. My step mom’s name was jasmine she was a good step mom. Two years after my mothers’ death. My dad died and my step mom left Kevin, Vladdy, and Jason alone. Vladdy can now walk on his own. We try to stay calm Vladdy got us food and water to stay alive. Vladdy why is this happening to us. Vladdy can’t talk Jason! He will soon I mean he can walk now just maybe he can talk. Two years later Kevin was getting depress now that we lost everything. All because are grandpa thought we stole something from him. Vladdy can you talk now if you can’t I won’t care I’m just curious. Maybe if I really try hard I can talk for you. Vladdy what did you say? I um you can understand me. Ya how did you do that? I don’t know.
“Kevin come here quickly.”  What do you want? Look Vladdy can talk now see. Hi Kevin want to see what I can do now? OH MY GOSH get away from him Jason! Fine if you’re going to be like that then leave. Fine I’ll stop then jezz you’re a buzz kill. Kevin can we go do something I’m bored. What do you want to do Vladdy? Um oh yes let’s go steal from a grandpa their rich right. Actually your right Vladdy but how are we going to steal from them they got guards. I’ll take of them said Jason but we need weapons and gear. So let’s get to work! Hey Vladdy can you cut down this tree? Okay I’m on it. Okay Jason come with me we got to go Wild berries that are poison. So we can make it through the first two guards. Where are the berries? Jason wait I think see the berries. Okay let go get them.
Then what are we waiting for let’s go! Then the quickly got a bag of wild berries. Then they lost Vladdy in the forest. “Vladdy”, cried Jason. “Can you stop screaming you stupid idiot child.” Stupid where did you learn that word. Don’t worry about it Jason. Okay, but did you at least got the wood right? Yes I did here. That’s a lot more than I thought there would be. Okay here is a sharp rock so start cutting. A week later. “Okay ready for the first target Finn He lives two miles away let’s go.”
Hey get out of Mr. Finn’s mail! Sorry we are his grand kid. Oh in that case. Hold on your hungry. Um no I’m not, Do you have some food whispered the guard. Here have some berries. “Oh my gosh thank you. “There you go I open the door so can go inside and your welcome.” The guards ate the berries and died. Oh it’s you that your uncle is trying to kill you guys. Get them guard and start the helicopter now! Jason you ready for this good the better not kill us. One by one Jason and Kevin were beating up every guard and the guards even begged for mercy. Kevin look at Vladdy he’s turning in to a grizzly bear in rage. Nice this is the most fun I ever had beating people up and challenging too. Well said Kevin Here we go. Well your outnumbered said Kevin with joy. Alright I surrender you can have everything. Wait we can have everything that you own.

Yes for every one of the old people you beat up you are allowed to loot them the get to keep rest. Okay but your grandfather is not going to be easy he is the youngest grandpa ever so it’s going to be really hard to beat him. Well can you train us please old man we will let you stay if you do. If you don’t Jason, Vladdy and myself will die to an old man that’s is really bad. Okay okay I’ll think about it. Kevin come here you’re the oldest out of you and Jason right? Ya okay what’s up. Come here Jason and Vladdy look around. Kevin you want to know how killed your parent’s twins and your grandpa. Ugh who are the twins cause they will pay for what they did. The twins are the co-leaders of the gang. Eight years later, Kevin you should have seen the look on the old man’s face. Kevin come on don’t be like that you been like this for eight years now. You don’t understand Jason. Just go to your room or train to be better. Okay whatever you can join us when you’re not acting so depressed. Vladdy why is my brother sad. I don’t know Jason but something tells me it’s the old man who is making him acted this way. O shoot. Jason who are you talk too. Oh right Vladdy Anyways come on we got to go on a mission. Really right now why me and Vladdy just came back. You know what fine stay and be lazy. Okay better for me so I can use my new weapon. Hey oh James. Oh I’m going to go take out the twins. Be careful the guards have guns on them. Okay I will thanks for the sniper. I’m see the house of the twins. Got to get to the top of a roof to kill them. There that is the perfect height to see them I’ll use my crossbow to shoot a rope to the top. Well I got to climb until I make it to the top. Ugh ugh ugh that took too long to climb. Okay as long as I made it to the top I’m good. Finally take aim and see that the twins are…dead. How I haven’t shoot them yet. I look closer and see my grandpa there he had been stabbed the twins to death. So I aim for my grandpa instead of the twins that are dead. Kevin what’s are you doing up here aiming at grandpa? Just making him pay for what’s he did. I pulled the trigger and Bang! Jason and Vladdy pushing the gun from my hand Sreaming Noooo! Then we see are grandpa die falling down to the floor. The last thing I show was Jason and Vladdy trying to reach for me and then darkness.